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摘 要:


Abstract: Lao She, as a modern Chinese novelist and outstanding language master, has been rooted in literary creation all his life. In his pen, he left us the immortal image of citizen women from a male perspective.Therefore, some readers divide the women in his shortstories into traditional women and intellectual women. Most researchers pay attention to the female images in Lao She's novels,and few researchers have studied the reasons behind the tragic fate of women. Therefore, this article focuses on the above issues from the short story plot topromote the change of women's fate,the character of the characters implies the ups and downs of fate, and the social background exposes the fate of women's tragedy. Among them, Lao She affirmed their independence or denial of enjoyment to intellectual women, and responded with mercy and praise to traditional women. The thesis is divided into seven parts,combining the social background of thetime in the research of the work, and paying attention to Lao She's own study abroad and the concept of women formed in his prose to supplement and enrich the research on the tragic fate of women.

Keywords:Lao She; intellectual women; traditional women; tragic fate; views on women

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

引 言 1

一、老舍笔下的女性形象群 1

二、知识女性 1

(一)知识女性的含义 1

(二)代表人物及其作品 2

(三)奔波生计,不幸沉沦的风尘女子 2

1.月牙儿清醒反抗到堕落 2

2.温暖“阳光”到黑暗 3

3.初念的浪漫到终身空虚 3

4.对新时代女性的肯定独立与否定享乐 4

三、传统女性 4

(一)传统女性的含义 4

(二)代表人物及其作品 4

(三)腐朽观念的殉葬品 5

1.劳动妇女沦为婚姻买卖的牺牲品 5

2.无知和愚昧断送的生命 5

(四)“显贵”妇女的卑俗 6

四、对传统女性的赞赏与怜悯 6

(一)社会底层妇女——亦良亦娼 6

(二)母性与妻性的崇拜与赞美 7

(三)困于“夫为妻纲”的封建思想 8

(四)舍弃封建歧视,报以文人怜悯 8

五、女性殊途同归悲剧命运原因 8

(一)女性失去主体地位,依附于男性 8

(二)女性沦为封建礼教的奴隶 8

(三)传统贞操观的不平等 9

(四)金钱成为女人命运的枷锁 9

六、老师知识女性观与传统女性观的碰撞 9

(一)知识女性局限于家庭结构的枷锁 9

(二)传统女性哀其不幸、怒其不争 9

(三)鼓励拥抱新时代又怀念传统妇女美德 10

七、老舍女性观形成的原因 10

(一)家庭环境对其创作女性形象的影响 10

(二)留学西洋接触西洋女性对创作的影响 10

(三)老舍散文对其女性的看法及其创作影响 11

参考文献 12

致 谢 14